Saving & Shepler Co., L.P.A.

Family Law
Divorce, Dissolution, Custody, Child Support, Companionship/Visitation, Visitation and Child Support Contempt, Abuse/Neglect/Dependency, Prenuptial Agreements, Domestic Violence Civil Protection Orders...

Business Law
General Business Advice, Entity Formation, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships, Family Limited Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Not for profit...

Probate Law
Estate Administration Services, Complete Estate Tax Services–State and Federal, Estate Income Tax Services–State and Federal, Post-Mortem Estate Planning...

Criminal Defense
Misdemeanors, Felonies, OVI/DUI, Traffic, Domestic Violence, Sealing/Expunging Records, Relief from Weapons Disability...

Real Estate Law
Real estate title examinations, Closings, Analysis of real estate problems, Real estate litigation...

Civil appeals, criminal appeals, administrative appeals, Ohio supreme court appeal, business litigation...
We concentrate our practice areas on family law, real estate, estate planning and trusts, probate law, business law, criminal defense, divorce, dissolution, custody, adoption and litigation. Please review the services page for further details.

Attorney Saving and Attorney Shepler are prepared to help and support you in obtaining the best possible outcome for your legal matter, and will make every effort to relieve the burden of navigating the Ohio court system in the process.
Our office is located at the corner of South Market Street and East Second Street in the City of Logan one block south of the Hocking County Court House.

Saving & Shepler Co., L.P.A. - Over 20 years of experience

Abigail M. Saving
Real estate, general business law, probate, estate planning, and civil litigation.
View Profile
Ryan J. Shepler
Family law, criminal defense, civil litigation, and appellate litigation.
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